Smoking shatter in a clearomizer
Smoking shatter in a clearomizer

smoking shatter in a clearomizer

I mean clear as in you could see no trace of any solid wax. With 5 ml total it became a lovely golden yellow clear. Slowly, carefully, not like a mad man trying to mimic a blender. So I added 4 more ml and continued stirring.

smoking shatter in a clearomizer

The wax melted and liquefied with a little stirring after only 30 seconds probably, but it was begging for more juice. I added and heated just the 1ml of PEG first as I've read on various sites and threads that some have had a problem with the hash sticking if starting with melting the hash first so I decided to start with just a thin 1ml layer on the bottom of the shot glass to avoid sticking. Seems right considering its a much smaller piece of glass with only 1 ml of PEG at first. The shot glass was definitely hotter though by the feel of it. So I cranked it up to 450F on the dial and within a few minutes the water was measuring 140F. Set it at 250F at first and it would barley get the water past 105F.

smoking shatter in a clearomizer

I put a measuring cup filled just a little ways with water and a meat thermometer in it to monitor temps, and a small clear glass shot glass next to it. The temp dial goes from warm then 200F up to 450F. Did it in the garage away from the family on a large electric pancake/breakfast skillet. I've read these forums as well as other websites and forums on this subject and I decided to give it a whirl with a $30 gram ($36.34 w/ tax) of wax.

Smoking shatter in a clearomizer